Sunday, July 05, 2009


I am a tired busy bee.

I am so, so tired - can't think straight!
"When," you ask " does Grandma P ever think straight?"

We were early at Pease Pottage this morning - it was a bit murky, grey clouds looked threatening.
Bill spent quite a bit of money - where do all the large scale model aeroplanes come from all of a sudden?

We were home in time for a quick drink, change of clothes to be in good time for the athletics meeting.
Should we take wet weather gear?
We had to take it of course - you never know when the rain might come.
But fortunately the rain didn't come and the weather forecasters had got it right - the clouds did clear and we enjoyed warm sunshine.
It was a good meeting as children aged Under 13 battled it out for medals and the honour of being county champion. Supportive parents cheered and clapped and the atmosphere was good.

The timekeepers were contented - ha! Ah we ever contented? There always seems much in the world to grumble about. I think the TV programmes should come and record us - we would make just a good a programme to amuse people as the minor celebrities.
Oh, and we grumble about celebrities too.
Yes there was lots of chat and banter as usual.

I did wonder during the afternoon about the Wimbledon final that we were missing.
I couldn't believe it when we got in the car and turned the radio on that the match was still being played; we listened all the way home and then came in to watch the last few games.
I like Andy Roddick - he seems a bit shy and humble.
Roger Federer is a magnificent tennis player and so cool! Too cool somehow.
But as I listened to the commentary as game followed game I prepared myself for having to accept that Roddick would be defeated.
It was inevitable - that was the script.

I also had to deal with a couple of EBay sales when I got in. My 1940s pop up book - Bookano, sold for £31 and will go to Australia.

Now I want to go to bed.
I shall get up early to sort out what I need for the shop. What I really need is some rest.