Friday, July 03, 2009


Food at the fair. Sapan Hin. May 22nd.

Come with me and choose a bite to eat and maybe some drink.
This is just a small selection of food for sale at the local food fair at Sapan Hin - mostly quite healthy, although there may be items you would not have on your own menu.

We found a stall selling coffee from Chumporn - Mam's home town about 250 miles to the north of Phuket.
Jamie chatted with the seller and Bill and Jamie had some iced coffee.
They both bought packs of sachets to use at home - and sometimes, maybe at bedtime, Bill will have a rich creamy sweet coffee from Thailand.

We had intended to sample quite few items of food from the stalls - but changed our minds after a phone call from Mam telling us that she was cooking a meal after all.
Poo and family had come around and it was time for a sociable evening.
There were things on sticks.
And things that I was too cowardly to think of trying.
Jamie and Mam know of nobody who eats the food items pictured below - but clearly people do.


one spoon or two?

Or about some maggots?

The tasty snacks here smelled delicious.

Simple barbecued fish.

Jamie had a bag of "porky scratchings".

Fruit ready to be transformed into shakes.
I yearn for these.
And this evening I have decided that the good value liquidiser/juicer on sale in Lidl should be mine.
I do like fruit - well, the taste of it; the luscious sweetness of its juice is wonderful.
But sadly I just can't digest it.
It was water melon today. Now giving me a little distress.
Mmmmm! tomorrow it could be water melon shake!
Though I guess I will need to experiment.

Now please drop your voice to a whisper - we can't have these fish knowing how much we would like to eat them!

Do they mean herring?