Monday, June 08, 2009


Monday again.

Today was Monday - so therefore, a day in Dorking at the shop.
The first horror of the day was the complete lack of lighting in the section where the burglar alarm is.
It was quite scary punching in some numbers in hope that I was hitting the right buttons as it beeped loudly at me.
I must have more spatial awareness than I realised because without seeing a thing I managed to get it right and it was with relief that the loud beeping stopped.
What would I have done next if I had hit the wrong numbers?

I have put the Shelley tea set, that I bought yesterday, in a good position and a few other bits.

Monika and Julie were a bit late - but Bill and I can cope on our own. Monika has not been very with it all day poor thing.

Generally sales have been good today - I think almost everybody sold - except for the people on duty! That was rotten luck.
Well, time is getting on. I have spent a while enjoying doing my Thailand blog - and looking at websites connected to the places we visited.
Scroll down for Glastnost, jazz, art and heavy rain.