Sunday, March 01, 2009


The busiest day of the week.

I have worked so hard today - indeed, we both have.
We were in Dorking by a quarter past seven - along with many stall holders and other buyers (including Jo).
And then we went to Horley - and we found THE stall!
I always like to assume that amongst the dross there might be just one person selling things I want - and today Horley gave me that one person.
So after the 2 car boot sales we had masses of stuff - and of course I had written up nothing from yesterday.
I did all the books first - mostly for EBay and a few for the shop.
The March box for EBay has about 40 things in it now.
That left me with everything else - I felt surrounded by my purchases and also with EBay parcels.

Enlarge the picture and maybe you can see the variation of items I thought could try their luck in the shop.
All of it has been written up now.
Of course it can't all go with us tomorrow. I know I have sold things, but not enough to leave me space for everything bought this weekend.
So now the shelves in the garage have turned into my stock room and there is a box to take to the shop - with Bill's things too of course.
This afternoon Isobel came round - just back from her long and emotional trip for her mother's funeral in Canada.
Dinner was ready for us to have whilst watching The Antiques Roadshow - but it was a repeat and so we watched the ice skating instead. The results are on now.
And of course I didn't want to miss Lark Rise to Candleford.
Energy has sunk to a low. Bill is also exhausted. He fitted in a spell in the front garden - cutting back growth which was last year's.
And so it must be a quick drink and then off to bed.
Except I have payments in and I think I should deal with them tonight, because we have to be out quite early tomorrow morning for the shop.