Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Life goes on.

That was Wednesday - and life goes on.
In my case it has continued weakly and feebly. I feel really run down, despite a day of sunshine (mostly).
Bill's cousin Ann finds today that life goes on - but for poor Gordon, it does not.
Gordon has been in failing health for some time and has been in hospital for a little while. From what Ann said we could see that his bodily functions were breaking down one by one.
Ann has her two sons and her brothers and sisters and a lifetime of memories with Gordon.
I am just pleased that through an interest in family history Bill and I got to know Ann and Gordon rather better than we might have done.
For my part they were almost strangers really - they were there at the weddings; (remember that in Bill's family alone there have been 10 weddings) but obviously weddings were a chance for a happy get together of the relations who know each other but meet all too rarely.
We felt part of the younger generation in those days - Gordon was 86, that's more than 20 years older than me. Ann is now 80.
So we didn't know them then.

I have stayed home all day today and sort of rested - at least I have been sitting down.
I had 7 books selling today and all sold. So I wrapped and invoiced etc.
One of the books sold is a Wicca novel.
There is a lot of interest in things Wicca - a form of white witchcraft. I have sold almost a complete set of these noevls now.
Today's buyer may bid for more in a couple of days when I have 4 more finishing on EBay.
A while ago I burst out laughing because one of these paper back novels now has a bid of £21!!!!
Ridiculous! But the bidders no doubt know just how much they want this particular book, which is now out of print.

I talked to Jo this morning. She had been on duty in the shop yesterday and wanted to tell me how much she liked what I had done - and so did others. It was noted that my section was drawing people into the top room.
The shop is not exactly divided into rooms but there are small sections linked by 2 or 3 stairs each time. My new area is right at the back of the shop.

This afternoon Frieda came round and then a little later on, Rose turned up too - both elderly neighbours.
Rose has been clearing out more of her daughter's things (with Sue's approval) and she decided to offer them to me before taking them to a charity shop. There is an interesting child's sewing machine, in a case; this could manage many proper sewing jobs. There is also a cash register from the early 1970's - just into decimalised money. And there are 2 Wombles.
Sue is 3 years older than Jamie and has the distinction of being somebody I have taught and somebody I have taught with.

Well, I think I will have another early night. I was in bed by 9 o'clock last evening. But first for some drink - I feel thirsty.
Let's hope tomorrow I find some energy once again. I don't like feeling all limp and useless.
