Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Day OK - evening, a bit fraught.

I might have said earlier on that this has been a good day - restful and with not too much to say about it.
I still don't want to say much about it; but the evening leaves me feeling a bit screwed up about gut and bag leaks.
I have a head ache and feel some pains.
I guess I have overstretched my body recently.
One of those "its not fair" moods has crept over me.
But not to fret, I know me.... and I realise that tomorrow is another day and I will soldier on and find that elusive spring in my step.

I have that hibernation feeling - wake me up when the deep dark days of winter are over. I so look forward to January even, when there are hints of light and new growth to come.

The sun shone first thing and it was good to see it, even for just a short while.

This afternoon I had a blood test in preparation for seeing the endocrinologists again next week.
I am not ill (well, not really!) so I wonder how my body chemicals are behaving.
I probably ought to arrange to see the urostomy nurse again because although I manage, things maybe could be better in that department.
And I need to arrange for my next Vitamin B12 injection.

Well, I feel weary. I shall make a cuppa and get to bed soon and keep my fingers crossed that Bella Bag behaves herself! If only she did look a bit more "belle"!
