Friday, October 03, 2008


3rd Oct. The sudden arrival of a bug.

There are a few photos in my camera - but there they will stay until tomorrow.

The day has been good - and then suddenly I joined a succession of people who were hit by the bug.
I am presuming it is not a major bug - hopefully a 24 hour thing. That's what Jo reported after something similar last weekend.

This morning Bill and I went into town and we bought the curtains we want for the kitchen/dining room.
We still need to get a pole to hang them on.

This afternoon Bill stayed home and put some spare parts which had arrived into our heating system. It seems it was a complicated job.
I went over to Ifield to see Ruth and Jenny and of course Felix and Otto.
I fed Otto - a rare treat for me.
Ruth has an infection at the moment which is making feeding Otto herself not practical every time.
Then I played in the garden with Felix.
During the afternoon Jenny suddenly said she was beginning to feel an overwhelming feeling that a bug had arrived - maybe the same stomach thing that Felix has had.
Before I left Ruth was saying the same thing.

I was fine and then at about half past six I knew I suddenly felt it too.
I didn't eat much dinner and I shall go to bed very soon.

So, that's it for today.