Sunday, April 27, 2008


27th Apr. So where was the rain?

Sunday - "they " said there would be heavy rain.
"They" were wrong!
There were a few splatters of rain in the early afternoon and that was it.

We went to the car boot sale that we might have sold at - the first of the summer at Pease Pottage. We probably could have done rather well because the number of stall holders was less than on a hot summer's day and buyers were hunting for things worth buying.
Never mind we didn't do it - and perhaps that was for the best.
I was very tired and I also had to deal with another aspect of our selling experiences.

I had things finishing on EBay this afternoon.
I enjoyed owning and then selling some crested bits of china. I couldn't justify keeping them for the places featured had no connection with family history.
It seems that if I saw a lovely policeman, like the one I sold today with the Hereford crest, for Crawley I would have to swallow hard and pay more than I normally would for him.
Below is my Hereford policeman - not returning to its West country origins, but going North to Sedburgh.

It is the more unusual pieces that command some interest.
I have quite a lot of other items in the shop or in the garage and I doubt if there will be much interest in them because they are lacking a certain character.

I also listed 31 things on EBay this afternoon - 2 have bids already and others are being watched.

Bill was in the shop this afternoon. He recorded the Spanish Grand Prix which he is now catching up on.
The shop begins the final countdown from now.
Rose and Di who haven't been with us for long, moved out today. Ken will follow later in the week.
Jo will be taking her best things to a shop in Dorking on Tuesday. And Joy and Peter have a cabinet to fill in Lewes on Thursday.
Perhaps come the autumn, Bill and I will look for another outlet.

Meanwhile a break will do us good.

I don't think I have passed on the good news about Bill's blood pressure. Since he has been on the diuretics with the very long name, his blood pressure has been normal! The combination obviously has been right for him. He has also lost about half a stone in weight since starting those tablets. But, like me, he does tend to feel more weary these days.

So, the weekend is over - varied and interesting.
But now it is time to settle down for the rest of the evening.

Oh and I must add that Jamie's blog - monkinthailand is worth a look. It is funny - made me laugh anyway. Jamie's Monk in Thailand: