Wednesday, February 13, 2008


13th Febrauary. Grandma P feels a bit rough.

Sorry - this will be short tonight.
I thought I was feeling OK for much of the day, but I feel rough this evening.
Digestion is still fragile.

This morning we went into town on the bus - more "firsts for me.
We went to the library to check on their computer what books on hyperkalemia or low potassium diets might be in their catalogue. There were none.
I still have to make things up and I am sure I am making some mistakes.

When we got back there was a letter from the GP's surgery with a blood test form.
I guess communication can be slow between hospital and local doctor; I think that maybe the GP didn't know that I had had a blood test last Tuesday.
Never mind, I was happy to take advantage of being checked up on yet again.
We went to Crawley hospital this afternoon.
I was also happy to find that the blood was being taken by the young girl who did it last week at The East Surrey. She is the very best blood taker I have met. I just don't feel the needle going in at all and she gets blood first time.

Since then I have found it hard to get on with much.

Now, my gut hurts and I feel queasy.
I shall watch MasterChef and then go to bed.

I wish I knew what I could do to make the pain go away and not return - maybe it will disappear soon anyway.

Good night.