Friday, January 27, 2012



Everybody loves the sunshine!
Today we have enjoyed bright sun and blue skies - it made the house feel very bright and warm.
I hope and believe we will get more tomorrow, for then we will be out and hopefully enjoying a brisk walk.
Our sunshine was quite a chilly sunshine - a winter sunshine. It was freezing this morning. I guess it will be tomorrow morning too - ice will need to be cleared from the car windscreen at 7 o'clock.
In Thailand the sunshine is hot - sometimes very hot.
And the sun sets are magnificent.
The time of sunset hardly differs through the year - perhaps by half an hour. Phuket is quite close to The Equator. Sun set is at half past six, or thereabouts.
And all this leads me to wonderful sunset pictures from Jamie. He wandered the couple of 100 yeards from his office to the beach.

Magnificent and skilfully executed picture.

Despite the sunshine, I have worked indoors today.
I have 12 books about bus/coach companies and their history to be listed tomorrow. They are almost brand new. I bought them - and many other books from one of the house clearance chaps at Ford, before Christmas. They look like they have not been opened!  I wasn't the only one picking up books by the dozen - I am happy with what I have, but wonder what I missed.
Later on I was dealing with some sales.
The little Ant and Bee books did well.