Friday, September 02, 2011


Letters of love

Once I get a project, I tend to go at as if it was the only activity in the world.
As a result of this I have come very close to sorting all my parents' letters.
The ones that were left loose in the suitcase I have put into neat piles and maybe they will just have to stay as they are.

I hope the picture helps you to realise what an immense task this has been.
It has taken me many hours each day to get the letters bagged up into years - and all in chronological order.
But how wonderful it has been to have the opportunity to share into my own parents' lives in this way.

Because I have had a one track mind this week, the things I have bought at car boot sales have not been dealt with at all.
We have been out today for a while.
We visited our friends, Marion and Robin.
I could look back on my own experiences and was glad that I had learned then how to deal with delicate subjects like death.
R knows that his cancer cannot be cured. I could talk about the illness and treatment as if the condition was the normal state of affairs. It doesn't frighten me or embarrass me.
I do hope that the palliative care can soon work out the very best way to relieve his pain.
Happily we all talked as we would always have talked - and about other things too.

Interesting - I have had 2 comments today from blog followers who I don't know.
Hello to both of you.
I will answer your questions soon.
One of them will lead to another major project this winter as I sort all my blog postings into subject headings.
Jamie - we really will get this properly started this year, when we are with you.