Thursday, August 19, 2010



No breakfast this morning.
Had to have any empty stomach for the CT scan.
Arrived at the hospital at 9 o'clock and was greeted with a plastic jug and a glass. Oh no! Not that stuff.
But I had forgotten that the new scanner doesn't need that stuff; the jug contained water.
I sat and read a paper for almost an hour as I drank.
The scan went very smoothly. The last time the radiographer really struggled to inject dye into my veins - this time he did it first time.
I explained before the scan that since this appointment was booked I had been diagnosed with parathyroid problems and he said he would include up to my neck in the scan.
This, at least, means that at some point a doctor will know a little more about what is happening.
The dye is weird - suddenly my mouth felt really hot and then the heat crept right through my body.
These days a CT scan takes very little time at all - much better than 20 years ago; I cannot begin to count how many CT scans I have had since the first one.
Bill and I popped into Asda on the way home. We hadn't intended to get much, but with special offers on washing gels and stain removing stuff I ended up buying enough to last me for the rest of the year.
Then I flopped - back to dozing mode.
I was not happy about this.
Nor was I happy that the new item of clothing I bought yesterday clearly was the wrong size.
It was beginning to hurt.
So, there will be a trip to M&S again tomorrow.
The woman who measured and advised was so sure I couldn't be the size I think I am - and yes, for a short while the new bra felt OK.
But tomorrow I shall have to get one size larger.
I'll go back after seeing the doctor in the morning.
This appointment has nothing to do with today's scan. I want to report about how the parathyroid glands problems are progressing and see if Dr O wants any other ways of managing the situation.
Bill also wants to sort a few things out with him.
Surely this will be the last doctor's appointment at the surgery in Brighton Road. The new surgery/medical centre opens in Ifield on September 13th.
The one opposite our house will not be far behind.
Tomorrow afternoon we will visit our most recent member of the great nephew/niece clan - George Robin.
Despite negative exhaustion I realised I should make plans to do something. It will be good to see Michaela and her boys.

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