Friday, June 11, 2010


Work and play.

I have worked hard all day.
It has been an EBay day.
I had auctions finishing and therefore had things to get wrapped in preparation for the invoicing and dealing with payments - only 2 more payments to come in now.
I also described 10 things and have listed them. I hope people are not too busy watching football to browse eBay pages.
At least the football fans will not be bidding on the dress that I described and listed.
It is a 1970's dress from Richards Shops and I think would be ideal for the slender young thing off to one of the many festivals this summer.

It is too small for me.

I haven't often attempted to sell clothes on EBay, but might do a bit more if the dress sells and the Monsoon Duffel Jacket that I will get round to dealing with next week.

Now, back to last Friday. We were on Anglesey once more - in Beamaris again.
Young E wanted to spend some time at the indoor play area. I sat with a newspaper as she played.
Bill went off for his own adventure - a stroll up the hill and back through the fields to the castle.

Here is the view along to Penmon Point - and Puffin island, where we would spend some time later in the day.

What a lovely spot for a game and some socialising.
Maybe the lady would turn around to gaze at the sea and the mountains after her game.
We will be involved with sport tomorrow - timekeeping at the Sussex School champs.
At least I have now discovered that I am not chief timekeeper, which takes some pressure off. It will be a long day.
This evening we popped down to Asda and bought bargain pasta salads (mine with prawns) to take for our lunch tomorrow.
Lunch is provided - but normally all we have is some rather bland rolls.
Do you know there must be young people in the town whose social life revolves round Asda?
What shall we do tonight Jason?
Let's go down Asda and hang about.
There were lots of young folk with nothing to do just hanging about, popping in now and then for a doughnut and a can of something.
Its another world!

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