Friday, May 07, 2010


No overall conclusion.

I saw the results of the exit poll before I went to bed.
Didn't need much more than that - the final results are almost exactly as predicted.
People who were asked didn't lie.

I think my most positive comment about our General Elections are that they are civilised and peaceful.
There can be disagreement about all sorts of things, but generally people are polite.... the worst act of sort of violence was calling somebody a bigot or having an egg thrown.
There are no riots, no petrol bombs such as can be seen in other countries.

Perhaps that is because we know that the result will make little difference really.
The politicians don't really have much power over the global economy of big business and banks.
The recession was never Gordon Brown's fault!

But I enjoy the little intrigues of politics. And today there is much intrigue.
Nick Clegg has led his party to a poor result, despite his popularity, and yet he still might be the leader who can wield most power.
I wonder what will be decided over the weekend.
I am sure he won't rush to decide anything today - all three of the main leaders must be exhausted.

Gordon Brown is disliked for all sorts of reasons - from his "goldfish" like habits in his mouth, to rumours of a fierce bad temper, to causing people to have pay more for petrol, to wrecking the global economy, to have suddenly devised a system in which it was fair game for MPs to fiddle expenses etc etc.
None of that is really fair.
I was not a fan when in his early days as PM he almost called an election and then shilly shallied about when would be the right time.

David Cameron is not liked for being rich, an old Etonian. People might suspect that he will just look after his own.
Jamie called him a greasy toad!
I disagree with Jamie - he is quite personable and does have the ability to at least make one feel he cares about all of us.
He has been through some tough times - a severely handicapped son who died last year.
I sometimes say that I judge people by wondering if I would enjoy dinner and conversation with them. I think I would enjoy dinner with David.

Then there is Nick - he still has some mannerisms of the school boy really. He has been thrust into the limelight in the last month more than ever before.
He hasn't always handled it well.
But he comes across as honest.

Then there is our voting system - the one I have known and despaired of for most of my adult life.
Like Roger I do like the idea of having my MP being a member of my own community and close at hand.
I am quite sure that an MP of any party (well the 3 main parties) would be fair and honest individuals when sorting out worries of people within their community.
Though they would not always have much power to do anything.
But to have a system where Labour and Lib Dems get a very similar number of votes (which they did yesterday) and Labour get 5 times as many seats is grossly unfair.
But I do worry that Proportional Representation could open the door for there to be MPs that I heartily disapprove of, like the BNP.
But a grouping of MPs in ones or twos will have little voice - as Caroline Lucas of The Greens will find.

Many are saying that they like the idea of a coalition. I don't think there will be one. I think David C will become the PM. I think and hope that Nick Clegg will lead the Liberals to assess each policy move on its merits and negotiate over each little thing.
If there is a coalition decided now, then he would have opted to go along with anything the Tories want to do.
Surely he won't do that?
But he has Gordon dangling a huge electoral reform carrot in front of him - a chance which might not come their way again for many a long year.
What a weekend for Nick!

So no over all conclusions.

The same could be said of my body chemicals.
I saw the consultant this morning.
He didn't think I needed a blood test just now - 6 months at least should pass before the parathyroid hormones might settle down.
My calcium is just within the band of normal.
He think is might be better to have it on the slightly low side.
He also thinks that calcium injections are not good - apart from hurting like hell, the chemical can seep into the skin and do damage.
He did decide what I thought he would.... I have a wonderful GP who is sorting it all out very well and Dr O can stay in charge of this problem.
I shall not be seeing the endocrinology department again on this matter.

Tomorrow we are involved in what was once seen as a very prestigious occasion and people used to put in to officiate . Now the County Championships, like everything else, gets less volunteers.
We will have any timekeeper who chooses to turn up. And seemingly the numbers will be small.
Normally the chiefs of the 2 days of the weekend would get together and compare the duty sheets.
This time there will be no duty sheets.
Bill, on Saturday and Barbara, on Sunday, will play things by ear and work out duties according to who is with us.
I think there will be 7 of us tomorrow.
And it will be cold in the strong winds and it will rain.
Hey ho! What fun - 8 hours sitting outdoors on a cold day!
We have not put down for Sunday. But if Bill feels he wants to do both days then we might attend.

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