Thursday, January 08, 2009


Keeping good time

I am tired - non concentration mode has set in.
We have been timekeeping this evening - good to greet that group of friends once again and catch up with news.
I was the chief timekeeper for the evening.
It sounds grander perhaps than it is.
The chief must record all the times for all the athletes and an ability to "read the race" is quite important. This mean is it is good to be able to jot down roughly what you think the gaps are between the runners as they cross the line.
I am quite good at this - I find that often once I have the time of the winner I know what the rest of the times should be.
But as the evening drew on I found I couldn't read the race well and timekeep well.
I was pressing the button late. So when I had estimated that the gap between first and second might be 3 tenths of a second I could be sure that Marilyn's time (she was working with me) was right and mine was wrong.
But I did find it a good evening to be out.
When we left the Horsham sports centre there was fog and as the temperature was one below zero, I guess this was freezing fog.

Earlier in the day we posted parcels round the world for EBay and then did a major shop, using both Lidl and Tesco.
This afternoon I described and listed 6 more EBay things.

The kettle has boiled - I will have a drink and get to bed soon.