Saturday, January 03, 2009
Farewell to Christmas and soon back to normality.
Christmas seems to have been an age ago, but we have not yet been able really to get out of hibernation mode.
Today it was back to the sub zero temperatures and we thought it best that Bill did not attempt the trip to Ford.
He still feels really run down.
I am not sure yet if we will go to the boot sale at Dorking tomorrow morning - we do really need to get back into routine and find some good things to sell.
Bill has just told me that he thinks we should go! Hooray!
The day has brought us sunshine and I think we should have gone for a walk. But instead we got busy, preparing another batch of things for EBay.
There are now 40 books photographed and details recorded in readiness for me to do the describing.
I would like to get a few listed tomorrow.
It looks like other people's new year intentions will keep us busy too.
We had an email from the son of Bill's cousin Daphne. She is from the older generation of cousins and Barry her son is closer to us in age. We have never met him.
He has seen the pages I prepared for Daphne and this he says has spurred him on to do some family history. He has not seen any disc that we have produced or any of the photos.
We must send him copies.
I must also tidy up the work I have done and make sure it is up to date and gaps filled.
Barry now lives in south Wales.
Well, I think I will just relax now until bedtime and leave you with our little Christmas display.
The pictures will enlarge to be quite big, if you want.

Today it was back to the sub zero temperatures and we thought it best that Bill did not attempt the trip to Ford.
He still feels really run down.
I am not sure yet if we will go to the boot sale at Dorking tomorrow morning - we do really need to get back into routine and find some good things to sell.
Bill has just told me that he thinks we should go! Hooray!
The day has brought us sunshine and I think we should have gone for a walk. But instead we got busy, preparing another batch of things for EBay.
There are now 40 books photographed and details recorded in readiness for me to do the describing.
I would like to get a few listed tomorrow.
It looks like other people's new year intentions will keep us busy too.
We had an email from the son of Bill's cousin Daphne. She is from the older generation of cousins and Barry her son is closer to us in age. We have never met him.
He has seen the pages I prepared for Daphne and this he says has spurred him on to do some family history. He has not seen any disc that we have produced or any of the photos.
We must send him copies.
I must also tidy up the work I have done and make sure it is up to date and gaps filled.
Barry now lives in south Wales.
Well, I think I will just relax now until bedtime and leave you with our little Christmas display.
The pictures will enlarge to be quite big, if you want.