Sunday, July 13, 2008


13th July car boot sale number 3.

Well, we did what we set out to do today.
The amount of old stock that we now have out in the garage is very much less than it was yesterday.
But, oh my! It was hard work.
We started off with the intention of selling everything for 50p or less.
And things began to disappear thick and fast.
As the morning wore on we had the books at 25p each or 5 for £1 and then finally we were selling them at 10p each.
I ended up with just one box of china. As we packed up I pulled off the labels and dusted the things and put them in a cardboard box and so they are all ready for a charity shop.
This afternoon I have been slowly crossing off all the items in my stock book. There were between 200 and 250 of them.
And then I counted out the takings - obviously we didn't expect much with such low prices; we were quite pleased to find we had taken £81.
The very best thing for me about the pictures below is to look and see all those things that have gone.
You will notice, too, that we enjoyed some blue skies.

Now I am so tired, my body aches and my head aches and I am looking forward to bedtime.
Tomorrow I will work through the books that didn't sell today and later in the week we can deliver everything to the hospice shop maybe.
Have a good week.