Sunday, December 02, 2012


Metro South Hylton to West Newcastle.

I am not a nerd!
Repeat after me, Paula is not a nerd!
On the other hand there is nothing wrong with being a nerd.
But nerd-dom must be in my blood.
There are some things I can go quite nerdy about.
And sitting right at the front of the Metro train in Newcastle is one of them.
My son must be a nerd too - he knew of a cunning plan to make sure I could sit at the front for  a journey through over 30 stations.
After our time in Monkwearmouth, we walked over the bridge to Sunderland. It was a very busy shopping afternoon, and I needed some salmon which I would be cooking for our evening meal.
There are interesting things in Sunderland - but a busy shopping mall is not one of them. Help! Get me out of here!
We got the salmon and escaped to Sunderland Metro Station.
We boarded a train going in the wrong direction - towards South Hylton. We sat right at the back of the train.
When we got to South Hylton, the driver walked through the train and sat in the cab beside us to drive the Metro back the way we came and hey ho - we were at the front of the train.

South Hylton is the end of the line and only one track serves the station.
We had come in on the right hand track and would leave on the left hand side.

The pictures are not good - through a dirty window with rain spatters on it. And it was very dark and gloomy.

Full speed ahead.

Sunderland Metro Station. very, very soft focus!

Towards the Wear Bridge.

Across the Wear Bridge to St Peter's Station where we had got off earlier in the day.

The old station of Monkwearmouth. It is a fine station building to the right and houses a railway museum.
But there is not enough there to make a special journey for - very little indeed.

Train to South Hylton.

About to cross the Metro Bridge over The Tyne.

Tyne Bridges - I can see 4 of them.
The high level bridge for railway, the low level swing bridge, the famous Tyne Bridge and beyond part of the Milennium footbridge.

One of the city centre stations.
In the city centre the Metro runs completely underground.

Getting closer to home - Jesmond Station.

This nerd blog posting is dedicated to the self confessed nerd in my family - my brother.
He has a daily blog which you might like to explore.

The thoughts and memories of a happy nerd, he calls it.
You should be able to find it if you copy and paste into your search engine....or just plain google it, which seems to have been adopted as a word for searching.