Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Tuesday activities.

Lot's to do.
Jamie's first day of holiday.
Children have one more day of school.

Chinese Shrine north of Phuket Town.
The big festival that we will miss starts here - 2 days after we leave.

Shrine detail.

Dried fish for sale by the main road.

Another temple.
Part of the view from rather smart restaurant the 4 adults went to.
We have visited this temple in the past.

Jamie and Mam in the restaurant.

Some of the food.

Old Thai temple.

Monks are building an old boat to display. Some of the wood from the temple is reputed to be 1,000 years old.

Monk didn't speak English.

Details of carved wooden panel.

Jamie had seen that a new dam had been built on google earth site.
But he didn't know how to get there.
Today he found it.
Wonderful place.

Beautiful and peaceful.

Look like rain in the hills.

Pineapples growing.

Pineapple fields.

The rain arrived as we drove home.