Saturday, May 22, 2010


Littlehampton today, but Hastings on Wednesday.

For the next days my blog will share details of two days of living.
Each new day gives us experiences and I will not ignore the more mundane times in favour of the holiday times.

Today has been normal - but hardly mundane.
We have been to the boot sale at Ford. In fact we didn't buy very much, but it was a joy to be out in the sunshine again.
I am so happy that it has taken just 2 days for my feet to start looking brown in the spaces round my sandals!
We have walked on the beach at Littlehampton - quite crowded today with family groups having fun.
Yes, we took photographs - couldn't resist the Lowryesque scenes of matchstick people silhouetted on the broad expanse of sand.
We breakfasted with our friends - Mr Balaton is George. George and and I had quite a long chat out in their back garden.

We haven't yet sorted our purchases - except one.
There are some food stalls at Ford, some where people sell their own produce - mainly the Eastern Europeans.
Today we bought meatballs and rice salad from one such person and we have now eaten it. It was very good.

Now back to Bill's birthday holiday.
I shall add bits about it in chronological order.
The blog is mostly about us and what we love to be doing, but we do have an interest in buildings and views and those appear too.

We arrived in Hastings in the late morning.
We explored the old town - well two streets of it.
All Saints Street is a gem, which we had not looked at before. We have walked the old High Street one time in the past.
The houses are old and full of character with narrow alleys and passages linking the two.

At one end of All Saints' Street.

The street climbs up quite steeply away from the sea.

I like the timber boarded houses and cottages, typical of this part of East Sussex and into Kent.

Bill loves a good knocker!

Both of us like to note the names of famous people who have lived in the houses we pass - love a blue plaque!
And with a computer it is easy to look up some general details about these past residents.
We had already passed a plaque for Edward Cape who was a censor of plays!

There was a plaque outside all Saints' Church telling that a Colonel Morley and his troops occupied the church during the English civil war.

We walked back to the sea down the old High Street. This cottage at the top end seemed quite rural.

A Hastings rock shop.
There were others on the sea front selling the long pink sticks of seaside peppermint rock of course.

And then we found ourselves in a Spanish cafe and tapas bar for lunch - attracted by the menu and the price.
Spanish cider and olives as an hors d'oevres.

I wrote very recently that Bill seems to have a thing about mannequins - well there were a few as part of the decor in the Spanish cafe.

It seemed very continental at this spot - listening to Spanish guitar music in the cafe, a busker with an accordion outside, folks gathered together socialising, sitting outside shops and a chic young woman with a bouquet of flowers arrived on her bike and padlocked it to the fence.
Our cafe is opposite.

Silly picture! All reflections!
Bill sits in the window with his cider as I take a few pictures outside.

My meal - broad beans, potato, bacon and chorizo sausage.

Bill's meal - haddock and spring onion fish cakes, potatoes and spinach.
We were given a really good experience in that cafe - and it will draw us back another time.
