Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Leaks of differing kinds. Mine and Wey and Arun canal.

My photos today show our walk last Friday along the Wey and Arun canal.
There has been a connection with that day and this - although today has not felt good.

This afternoon we went into town on the bus. I wanted to buy cheap leggings and tights from Primark whilst Bill wanted to visit Jessops to look at a telephoto lens he wants. He has worked out that Jessops are selling it cheaper than anybody just now.

I didn't get further than Jessops. Bill was talking and suddenly I felt a familiar feeling and saw a wet patch on my skirt.
I have a card asking shopkeepers and the like to allow me emergency access to their staff toilet. I was shown through. All I could do was empty and then pack a load of loo paper round the bag and then hurry to the bus stop.
"7 minutes" the indicator board told me. That was horrid, standing there knowing what was happening.
Eventually I climbed on the bus, which then filled to almost overflowing with school children and a screaming baby. There was no room and I felt so tense.
At last I was home.
Things were not too bad and I dealt with things and Bill got home very shortly after me too - having ordered the lens.

I knew why it happened last Friday. I don't know why it happened today.
It has knocked the stuffing out of me.
I know I should be pleased to have the wee bag and that even today things have been just about under control and nobody else was aware of my problem.
But I feel resentful and cross.
I just want to curl up and hibernate once again.

I am sure that I shall soon feel stronger again - tomorrow is another day.
We will be going out.
We are going to the shop. When we were in on a Thursday, Bill was talking about making a small shelf to fit on the wall by his area. Last week Jill phoned us to say she could bring in some wood for him. Tomorrow we will collect the wood and maybe will enjoy a visit somewhere.

But now some pictures which tell the tale of last Friday's walk.
The Wey and Arun canal was in complete disrepair until about 20 years ago, when enthusiasts began restoration.
It has been a major work and so far there are about 3 miles of canal from Loxwood to Drungewick - with new locks, new bridges and a short aqueduct.

This is the first lock we came to - Brewhurst Lock.

Below Brewhurst Lock the canal meanders through the woods.
Autumn leaves lay on the surface.
The only boat that travels along the canal goes at weekends through the summer with visitors.
There might be more boats on the canal, but one small stretch belongs to a landowner who only very grudgingly gave permission for the Canal Trust money making boats to ply their trade.

The distance posts were sited every half a mile - showing the distance to the Wey and Arun rivers which this canal once linked together.

We are approaching Baldwin's Knob lock.

I felt nervous walking alongside the lock. It was a long way down.
The water was actually too far down apparently.

A canal trust volunteer came along and it was his job to check the water level. Water leaks slowly through the bottom lock.
Bill talked and hoped to help.
But all that had to be done was to open a sluice on the side of the lock to let water through.
But the two men were there for quite a while, chatting.

This is the lock gate with the offending leak.
Oh bother to offending leaks!!!!!

Shaggy ink cap fungi at different stages of development. We saw mushrooms which we were sure were edible - but of course 99% sure is not good enough.

These are trooping crumble caps.
They are very fragile. I bent to clear some dead leaves and twigs and found that the little mushrooms broke very easily.

Almost at the end of navigable water.
This is Drungewick lock. The canal continues for about another 100 metres.

Now we are walking back.
Through the bridge is Drungewick aqueduct which carries the canal over the little River Lox, which flows into The Arun.

It is almost November - but still there are butterflies enjoying sun bathing on a tree trunk.
There were more pictures on the way back - but not many.
I had suddenly realised that I needed to be back at the car very urgently to deal with my own offending leak.
Leak dealt with, we enjoyed a snack and drink in the Onslow Arms. How I needed that ginger beer and lime!