Monday, December 10, 2007


10th Dec Poetry, pictures and possible progress.

I thought I would amuse this evening with a picture and some poetry.

There was a young Grandma called Monk
Who found herself in a funk
I too would be sadder
If they'd swapped my bladder
With leaking bags fixed to my trunk.

Thank you Ruth in steaming hot Madagascar for this sympathetic ditty.

Last week Pete insisted on a picture of the happy couple - Grandma P and Grandad B.
I didn't realise I looked quite so pathetic! I have lost over a stone in weight.

I'll get Bill to do another later in the week and you might be able to notice some improvement.
So, what of today? We had to be up early (ish). There was really cold wind blowing and I was glad to get into the car to drive over to the GP's surgery at Ifield. We waited hardly a moment and then I was in with the nurse and she was selecting needles for my blood test. Lovely lady! She got blood flowing into the phial at the first attempt.
Then we discussed my laxative needs. Tomorrow I shall have supplies of both Movicol and Lactulose.
And hey! I might not need too much of it. Sorry, we are back to basics once again - I have "been" twice today. This was very tiring and for much of the day I felt weak and not at all hungry. But this evening I feel like my insides have achieved a little more balance during the day and I was eager to eat dinner this evening - and I have even nibbled at some chocolate.
I feel a bit peeved that this week - and no doubt next week there is a big snooker competition going on, televised for hours and hours each day. I wanted my daily afternoon fix of the cookery programme Food Poker, but no it was thought I might prefer to watch pasty faced men leaning over a green table, playing with their balls!
Now all I want from today is to be leak free and to sleep a little better. What is the attraction of half past three in the morning?
OK - lets see what is on TV at 9 o'clock and maybe we can have a cup of tea and some fruit. I have eaten some grapes today - they normally pass through quickly and aid the work of the Movicol.