Saturday, December 08, 2007


8th December Not such a good day really.

Today has not been a very good day really. I have felt so weak and tired and fragile and I have been feeling sick. Just one of those glitches I guess.
At times I have felt like I didn't want to move anywhere, but eventually had a wash and cleaned my teeth. I haven't got properly dressed today.
This afternoon I thought I would like to watch a musical. Perhaps I should have picked a familiar favourite like Mary Poppins.
We quite often buy videos at a car boot sale - never more than 50p. Today I opted for Evita, starring Madonna. I love the music of course but it was heavy going and mostly justified the poor reviews.
But the end had me feeling emotional and tearful.
Eva Peron died from cancer and all the fame, the riches, the adulation etc melted away.
She became just another woman with cancer.
I have felt quite emotional all day - fear perhaps that I was on a backward path.
Tonight on X Factor, Rhyddian sang You'll Never Walk Alone. Tears ran down my cheeks as I mused on lines like "Walk on, with hope in your heart".
It is the final of this competition next week and Rhyddian MUST win! He is a brilliant singer, able to be operatic, able to create emotion, and I am sure he can do very well both in concert and on the musical stage.
I haven't eaten very much today - and I am aware that I haven't drunk enough today either. I was just too weary to make the effort.
I had intended when planning during some waking hours in the night to deal with all the EMails in my inbox - 130 of them.
I am certainly not writing 130 individual replies, so when I can (hopefully tomorrow) there will be a multiple send and then I can clear the box.
I have always saved EMails from people - but now I am not sure why. We have EMails from people saved onto discs from way back - and never looked at them again. I will save pictures people send that appeal to me.
Right, time for tonight's XFactor results and I must get some more water down me. I must work on that tomorrow or the blood tests on Monday will say I am dehydrated again. Its hard to get 4 litres down when you are feeling a bit wretched.
Hopefully I will feel a bit stronger tomorrow and can send an EMail to lots of people - though the daily blog tends to tell the story anyway.
Then it will be time to connect to the night bag and hopefully get some sleep.
Good night.