Friday, August 17, 2007


5th August Goff's Park with Ekatarina

Ashley, Ekatarina and I went to Goff's Park on a hot Sunday afternoon.

This is the original Victorian mansion around which the park has developed.
The Museum Society use a part of this building for the small museum, which is slowly growing.

The large duck pond.

Ekatarina found a shady spot to play with the Pixel Chix toys that she had found at the car boot sale that morning.
And that is not me on the climbing frame - though I agree with Ecky that it looks rather like me.
It is, of course, Ashley.

Ashley tries out the spinning disc, tilted to make balance more difficult.

Every Sunday afternoon members of the Crawley Model Steam Locomotive Association fire up their models in the park and take people for a ride.
It costs just 30p.
So, OK - this photo is not well in focus, but it gives an idea of the train ride.

Ecky and I give a cheerful wave as we go by.
Next time I will start telling you about our day with Roger and Sue in Wiltshire.