Monday, March 19, 2007


27th February Part 1 More school pictures.

On Tuesday I spent an hour sharing the early time at school. There were prayers, singing and stories.
The teachers were wearing the same coloured uniform as the children.

This was a Thai song - but I think the actions tell us a little about the words.

This was a quiet time. Perhaps you should have had your eyes shut Jessica!

In this song the whole school was playing Two Little Dicky Birds Sitting on a Wall.....One Named Peter, One Named Paul. Everybody said the words in English. It sounded very sweet to my ears.

The teacher with the mike in her hand is telling a story about a chicken. She had a loud screechy voice and built up a lot of atmosphere and the children would yell back responses.
The other teacher has a long cloth and she gradually unrolled it to reveal pictures which accompanied the story.

I just liked the effect of this picture - Jessica in focus amongst her blurry classmates.