Monday, March 21, 2011


Silver at Pilgrims.

The sun shone, it got warm and fresh air filled the shop as I opened the back door and used outdoor light to photograph things for this week's Pilgrim's blog.
And yet, there was tension in the air; people were maybe a bit tetchy.
It could be that we (Bill and me) were feeling edgy after a very poor week for sales - not many worse!
But there was a sort of fear of the unknown future too.
I can't say too much now, but I was left wondering if we were facing the beginning of the end or maybe it would be the beginning of a new beginning.
It may well involve some moving around - but how long for we don't know.
Sorry to be cryptic - all will become clear.

Sales in the shop have been good today - though not for Bill and me. I sold a little 1950s vase that I had reduced down to near rock bottom because I had had it for a couple of years.
It was a silver day.
A father and son came in and out came the small digital scales and silver cutlery was being weighed and assessed and bought.
If you had had money to invest during the last year or so, then gold and silver were the place to be.

I shall be ready for bed soon.