Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Food for us and Ekatarina.

Weather has been poor again today.
Local news tells us of flooding in various places in Sussex and Surrey.
It has been a day to stay at home.
Bill felt quite fragile with his sinus/cold infection.
I suggested he try a more dairy free diet - cow's milk is prone to be mucous forming.
This morning he had rice milk on his cereal - no complaints.
I had cereal too - a wheat free/gluten free muesli.
Today's blog is about food.

I had taken a series of photographs of Jessica making herself a breakfast sandwich; so, I decided to do the same with Ecky.
The day before we had bought her a red chopping board for her to arrange her own food on.

Ecky just has ham in sandwich - Jessica had added cheese.

Ecky didn't cut it into any fancy shape.
That was for the time before she reached an age of double figures, maybe.

She carried her sandwich through to the table.

But was soon too absorbed in a book to think about sitting down to eat!

You may notice the title of this book - "How to Handle Grownups"
I think I could have done with something like that as a girl.
Back to food in our house.
I thought I would share with you the beauty of a meal I bought in Sainsbury's yesterday. It was a special introductory offer.

Sardines with garlic, chilli, parsley and lemon.
It looks so appealing.
The taste was very good - but sardines are fiddly, trying to avoid all the little bones.

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