Wednesday, November 21, 2007



I have been home from hospital for a week now which seems weird. How can it be so long ago?
Being in hospital is such an intense time that it stays a part of you for a long time. I think often of the people I shared time with. But thankfully I have also managed to feel a part of home quite quickly too.
I wish I could sleep better at night - even when sleeping I can be disturbed by crazy dreams. I was at an airport - could have been in Thailand, but for some reason I was unloading a sort of locker which was full of my wet washing! And what was Dick Hardwick doing there? Dick was an athletics club stalwart and time keeper who died some years ago.
Of course it is not lack of sleep that makes me tired - my body is still struggling to cope with physical effort.
This morning I had a shower, perched on my gardening stool. I needed a good lie down afterwards because I felt queasy and like cotton wool.
I wondered how I could possibly find the stamina to go to Asda with Bill. But bloodymindedness took over and off we went after lunch.
Bill went to collect a wheel chair and then steered me into the shop. I am so glad that I have felt able to be a bit useful and to feel I have contributed to our joint well being. And how did I do that? Well, by suggesting a succession of interesting ready meals to keep us going for a week and reminding Bill that maybe we might need this or that.
Tonight we have the cut price items - I will have a chicken korma, whilst Bill opted for something more spicy. Tomorrow we will have steak diane with potatoes; Friday we will have fish - haddock in a dill sauce and on Saturday we will have the turkey meatballs.
We stocked up with more soya drinks and cranberry juice, crisps, some interesting savoury rices and some vegetables and bananas.
I observed what I had noticed when I was ill before - wheel chairs are invisible!
I was tired but satisfied when I got home.
I have written one longer EMail today to old school friends. Friends Reunited brought me into contact with a few - and of course I have known Jean (of Pete and Jean) for over 40 years. But during this last week I have been so pleased that people I was in touch with had passed my story to others who have been in touch with me too.
I have chatted on the phone with Ashley and also to Jenny.
So, slowly slowly I do feel that progress has been made. A week ago I didn't feel willing to reach out from my world and now I can.
And today the sunshine has been stimulating.