Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Winter Wednedsay

Snow dominates in these parts.
Our area seems to have had more snow than many places.
Bill went out this morning with a ruler and measured a 6 inch depth.

Later he went out to clear paths - which I call "playing". It was hard work and he came in feeling really warm.

It was tempting to get out and take a walk - but the skies were very grey and leaden and more snow was promised.
We have tomorrow to get out when we are promised sunshine and the snow will still be there for we are also promised temperatures of minus 5 degrees.
We will have to walk into town to collect medication and buy some bread.
But I think we could detour back via Goffs Park.
I expect some of that snow has been well flattened today by children on sledges. There is a good hill in the park.
Schools have all been closed.
Gatwick Airport could not operate this morning - as fast as snow ploughs cleared the runways and taxi ways the snow had covered them again.

I look forward to being out in it tomorrow. Maybe we could even have a bite to eat in town to make an occasion of the day.

The photos that follow were taken last evening.
Snow was falling fast - and more came through the night.

This last one looks like it could have been a morning picture. But it was taken at the same time as the others.
It was taken using the light of a streetlight only - no flash.
I am not sure where the falling snow flakes went.

The streetlight is not really that bright - but the white of the snow is a very powerful reflector.

We have not got round to much today.
Played computer games, watched a drama on TV and generally lazed.

Tomorrow will be different.
But we will not have to go out tomorrow evening to be timekeepers for that meeting has been cancelled.
Postcard club on Friday is also off.

It is a shame there have to be cancellations and worse problems because of the weather.
But I love it.
I love the reminder that humanity gets, that man is not all powerful and cannot completely control his world.
I love the good humour and extra friendliness amongst people as they compare stories and give aid where needed.
I feel sorry for those who were stuck on the A3 last night for 16 hours. Horrible!
But rather put into perspective by another news items on local radio this morning.
A man who lost both his legs in Afghanistan has won his battle to have a new purpose built bungalow built for him by his old home in Pevensey.
Now, learning to adjust to life with no legs far exceeds any problems of being stuck in the snow or not being able to go where you thought you wanted to be or ought to be.
In fact most children - and the teachers are no doubt delighted that they were not able to be where they ought to have been!
So - a shame for our Ecky. Her school opened. The school very close to their home in North Wales, where there is no snow was closed for the day. But her school 2 miles up the hill, where this snow, opened up.
So Ashley and Ecky have been walking today again.

Today has been a day for hibernation. I look forward to being out in the world again tomorrow.
