Monday, March 23, 2009


A lack of bounce.

I have started to sort photos of the Welsh trip.
But I am not ready to put them onto the blog.
This is mostly due to lack of energy. I am really hoping that the weariness I feel is just that - but there are hints now of an impending bug. I am coughing quite a lot and my chest feels tight.
Doing too much and feeling a bit stressed combine to give me symptoms of a different kind too - the gut has felt bad. And I was so queasy earlier on today.
Oh woe is me!
So today I have plodded through things which needed doing.
And I feel a bit peeved that I haven't finished all I had hoped to do.
Never mind, there is always tomorrow.
I have an appointment with the nurse in the morning for my regular B12 injection - maybe that will give me some oomph.
We may well go to Dorking afterwards to tidy shelves and collect any takings. But we could just wait until I go in on Saturday when I do a duty for Jo.
And I would like to get things bought at the weekend written up and stowed away in the garage. It is just as well I like the things because they are extra ornaments on kitchen units at the moment.
I shall have an early night and hope for the best - tomorrow I will get my bounce back.