Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Philosophy, ironing and tennis.

Today has been a day to settle down a bit and get things straight.

I spent the morning with philosophy books - not my normal reading material it is true.
I described 14 Penguin books and as I looked at them I could see that some might be interesting and inspiring.
But I would prefer that somebody else - or maybe 14 different people might want to study them and bid for them on EBay.

After lunch we went out - nowhere exciting! There were errands to do.
Firstly to the hospital for Bill's routine blood test; so far all his blood tests have been just routine, but how good that somebody is checking regularly to make sure that his powerful drugs are doing him no harm.
Then to get fuel for the car - creeping up in price once again. But at least the difference between petrol and diesel (which our car uses) is now a small difference once again. It means that because we can do almost 60 miles to the gallon it is definitely more economical and we don't have to fill up as often.
Next, to the post office in town to collect a parcel ( a bigger internal hard drive for Bill's computer) which the postman couldn't deliver yesterday.
Then to drop off a box of books and clothes to the charity shop.

We also to had to collect medications, mostly Bill's, ready for him at the pharmacy.

We realised that all these destinations had to be reached by going round in circles and being stopped at ever red traffic lights and the railway crossing gates.

Finally we we went to the local post office to post parcels. There is one for Jessica's birthday.

After a drink at home I got the ironing board out. There was quite a pile to be done after all the trips and activities of last week.
The TV was on and I watched Wimbledon tennis.
Andy Murray began to build the British dream today with a hard won victory in the first round.

Bill has been busy with the vacuum cleaner and cleaning cloths.
He cleaned the bathroom and later the car.
The garden has been watered.
These are the days of the flowers in the garden needing water - no rain falling from the sky.
It has been a lovely day - blue skies and warmth.

Scroll down for more blue skies and warmth in Thailand.
Yes - I now have some time to finish sorting out all the photos.
Goodness - we have been home for 4 weeks.
Bill is quite close to having the album done.