Wednesday, May 30, 2007


17th May Part 4 Bosham church and cottages.

The church at Bosham is very old. There has been a church building on this site since 730 AD. This building dates from the 10th century.

The Saxon arch is depicted in the 11th century Bayeux Tapestry.
The daughter of King Canute is buried under the main aisle.
The story of King Canute trying to halt the advancing tide is supposed to have happened at Bosham - perhaps he was afraid of losing his chariot under the water, as we almost did once.

A reminder that a church is much more than a museum or a history lesson.

The church and the War memorial.

The church and part of the old mill, now the centre of the yacht club.

The cottages along the street are very pretty, using tradiational stone and thatch.