Friday, April 20, 2007


6th March. John at the hospital

John was due for another in the series of inoculation that children worldwide have - well, sadly of course those from the 3rd world countries get little protection against major diseases.
Thailand is an affluent country and the health service is well provided for. A certain amount is covered by the National Insurance.
Nevertheless, Jamie and Mam have opted to pay more and their treatments are at the big private hospital in Phuket City.
This is a beautiful, spacious and highly efficient hospital with all the modern facilities.
On this day John was to have protection from hepatitis B.

This is the outpatient's department for children.
John enjoyed running around whilst waiting. Mam looked at a newspaper.

This was empty room, with the door open and John thought it was most inviting.

Whoops! Now he doesn't feel so happy! His bottom has been bared and the doctor is sticking a needle in it.
The nurses were all wearing yellow shirts with Disney characters.

Oh Mum - this isn't fair!

Oh well, maybe it wasn't too bad after all. John was given a Vitamin C sweet and a banana.
And soon we were on our way to get some lunch.