Friday, February 23, 2007


23rd February. Arrival in Thailand.

Here I am in Thailand, and when I say I am tired I really mean that I am completely exhausted!
The early drizzly morning on Thursday seems such a distant memory.
Bill dropped me off at Gatwick Airport and it was straight onto the coach to take me to Heahrow airport. Soon I had checked in and sat with a paper and some snacks to see me through the next 3 hours.
I sat down in my aisle seat on the plane next to a Thai woman and it wasn't long before we knew each other's life stories! She actually lives in North Wales, near Chester, with her English husband. She had her 21 year old daughter with her.
But there were many hours to fill and I saw most of the 3 films that were shown - one based on a Year in Provence with Russell Crowe, another about Marie Antoinette and the 3rd was silly really with Robin Williams, playing the part of comedian who became President of the USA.
We arrived at the brand new airport in Bangkok on time - 6 o'clock in the morning the clock said, although my body thought it should be 11 o'clock in the evening!
I said fare well to my Thai friends and walked the length of the airport (miles~!) to the domestic transit lounge. I didn't think it was as nice as in the old airport.
Eventually I boarded a coach to take me to the plane - the entire length of the airport back again! The flight down to Phuket takes just over an hour. At about quarter to 10 I was striding through to meet Jamie, Mam and John - with a severely battered suitcase. I think I might look for a new one here, probably made of canvas fabric this time, for that won't crack and break.
It was of course warm, but slighly cloudy as we drove back to the house. The flowers are looking really good along the roadways.
Jamie went off to work soon after. I had a cup of tea. My eyelids drooped and I tried to get some sleep, but managed no more than half an hour.
I got up and sorted my things a bit and then had a shower and hairwash.
John and I looked at some of his books.
Then it as time to go and meet Jessica in school.
I went with Mam to the classroom and Jess was standing by the teacher and didn't notice me at first, then her face lit up, she dropped and bag and charged at me, jumping up and wrapping her limbs around me. Yes - bless her, she was pleased to see me!
Maybe John has not forgotten me either - for he is obviously very comfortable with me and has chatted about this and that.
After school was what I feel is a typical Thai occasion. We went to the cafe, Leelawaddi, close to the school for Jessica to have a pink ice cream. When I was aked if I wanted a drink, that seemed a good idea and I had pineapple crush. Mam's friend Noy and her son Sean joined us. The next thing I knew the table was being strewn with plates of various foods. I realised then that I felt quite peckish and shared with them noodles, a spicy vegetable dish, a milder noodle dish with bean spouts and prawns and salad items. The children wandered off and played in an adjacent room and then by the water feature round the cafe - this cafe is also a garden centre. Jessica even caught some little fish.
We had got to the point when I assumed we we going home when suddenly another plate of food arrived (minced spicy pork) and sticky rice. I had another pineapple crush.
The journey back was leisurely and before were back both children were sleeping!
Jessica does get very tired at school.
When Jamie returned from work (he sneaked off early) he found a sleeping household.
I roused myself and we chatted.
Mam has now also woken up and I smell aromas from the kitchen.
I am sure I shall need an early night - help - how shall I drop off without the voices of Radio 5 informing and entertaining me. I have loads of books to read - so that should help me relax.
I am missing my own normal routines of course - and really missing Bill. But even though only a few hours have passed since my arrival I feel I have slotted back into life here.
Tomorrow is Saturday - Jamie must work of course. This will be his last Saturday with Dive the World and only a few more days next week. I don't know what Mam and the children and me will do - I need to get some Thai money.
Bye from day 1 of this Thai Aventure.